• Book Project,  Pub 350,  SFU Publishing Minor

    The Marketing of Discretion by Karina Halle

    This is the final essay I wrote for my Publishing class on Marketing for Book Publishers. The assignment was to explain the marketing campaign of a recent release. Introduction Examining the marketing strategy behind Karina Halle’s Discretion perfectly illustrates the nature of marketing within the romance genre and how it differs from the marketing of other genres. In The Book Business: What Everyone Needs to Know, Mike Shatzin and Robert Paris Riger write about the future of the publishing industry, and how romance is shaping it. Shatzin and Riger propose, “at a future date it would be fascinating to study the shift from the mass-market paperback-dominated romance industry to the…

  • Book Project,  Pub 350,  SFU Publishing Minor

    The Packaging and Positioning of Karina Halle’s Discretion

    This is an essay I wrote back in October of 2019 for my publishing class, Marketing for Book Publishers. The assignment was to explore the packaging and positioning of a recent release. Discretion by Karina Halle is the first book in The Dumonts series. The Dumonts series is a three-book deal Karina Halle signed with Montlake Romance, an imprint of Amazon Publishing. Karina Halle is a New York Times bestselling author of fifty novels in the contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and horror romance genres. Looking at Discretion’s packaging and positioning by Montlake Romance, and the larger Amazon publishing team reveals a book that was deliberately designed as a follow up…

  • Process Posts,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

    Process Post Week 12: Takeaways from Pub 201

    This week we recapped and reviewed the entire course. This exercise inspired me to look back on the biggest takeaways from each week, and the information that I will be taking with me as I continue to grow my website. Week 1: My take away from the first week of the course surrounds building and maintaining my audience. Most important to me is building an audience of dedicated fans rather than building a large audience. Week 2: The benefit of sitting down and actually producing my business canvas became very apparent this week. It really helped me hone exactly what I am providing for my audience and the value they…

  • Process Posts,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

    Process Post Week 11: SEO Analyzer

    This past week the tool SEO Analyzer was explored in class. So I decided to plug my url into the tool and to examine my results. Here is my score… I am pretty happy with a B+ for my SEO as I have only begun to strive to consider how good my SEO as I develop and grow my site. Some of the sites recommendations are… I had no idea that my heading tags are actually too short, such as About Me, Subscribe, and Contact Me. I want to do further research around just how long these headings should be. If I do decide to change them, I will make…

  • Process Posts,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

    Process Post Week 10: Monetization

    This week we focused on monetization strategies. The narrow focus on advertisements did not suit my needs. I fear advertising on my blog would chase away my audience for a few reasons. Ads would distract from my content Ads would not always benefit my content Other NA book blogs also refrain from traditional digital advertising Ads would distract from my content as they would steal away someone’s attention, maybe someone would even click on the ad bringing them away from my website entirely. Ads would not benefit my content as the even with all the controls google provides, there is no guarantee that every ad I get on my site…

  • Peer Reviews,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

    Peer Review #3: Millennial Speaks

    This week I will be reviewing Shar’s website, Millennial Speaks in which Shar dissects song lyrics, and has since expanded to posting about her 2 AM Thoughts and her own original songs. Business Plan and Monetization Shar’s apparent business plan is to bring enjoyment to her audience. I do not see anything that produces revenue for Shar on her website right now. I think there are options for monetization for Shar. She can always try advertising, I understand if she wants to avoid cluttering the website with ads, I feel the same way towards my website. It still is a legitimate option she could look at. Shar could also look…

  • Process Posts,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

    Process Post Week 9: Creating a Brand Narrative

    Last week we were provided with resources to help us create a visual representation of out brand narrative. I chose to look at using Biteable. I have already made a traditional infographic back in Publishing 101, so Biteable represented a chance to expand upon what I previously learned. Biteable allows for you to pinpoint what you are promoting within your brand, and then they suggest video templates for you to edit. I selected that I was explaining a concept from my brand, and I was given a template that I really liked. Biteable was easy to use and provided me with a quality video that explains where I am coming…

  • Process Posts,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

    Process Post Week 8: Examining How I Address Sponsored Posts

    This past week we had a discussion surrounding content marketing versus editorials versus advertising. This discussion made me think about how I accredit my sponsored content. Since I started my blog I have mentioned at the beginning of every post where I got any graphics, teasers, and advance reader copies from. I did this based on other book reviewers I have encountered, as they will always mention if and when they receive an early copy for review. I saw this practice being used on other blogs, on Goodreads reviews, and in the descriptions of YouTube video reviews. As someone who read reviews for years before delving into reviewing myself, I…

  • Peer Reviews,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

    Peer Review #2: Remy June

    I’ll be reviewing Remy’s website, Remy June. This peer review is supposed to focus on social media and the site’s online growth since the first peer review. Remy’s Social Media… Remy’s use of Instagram is perfect for the style of blog she has, travel. Remy has used her Instagram for many years to showcase her many travels and adventures. All the work she has done for years will pay off, as her Instagram already has major travel influencer vibes. Instagram is definitely the most relevant platform for Remy as writing about travel, lends itself to images of these places you can travel to. Remy does not link to her website…
