Process Posts,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

Process Post Week 10: Monetization

This week we focused on monetization strategies. The narrow focus on advertisements did not suit my needs.

I fear advertising on my blog would chase away my audience for a few reasons.

  1. Ads would distract from my content
  2. Ads would not always benefit my content
  3. Other NA book blogs also refrain from traditional digital advertising

Ads would distract from my content as they would steal away someone’s attention, maybe someone would even click on the ad bringing them away from my website entirely.

Ads would not benefit my content as the even with all the controls google provides, there is no guarantee that every ad I get on my site actually mirrors what my audience would be interested in. Worse case scenario the ads depict practices or products I staunchly disagree with.

Other NA book blogs also refrain from traditional digital advertising, and this was the largest factor in my choice to not advertise on my blog. NA book bloggers are sent ARCs and in exchange for them we provide honest reviews, this barter interaction provides me with a sort of revenue.

For these reasons I am not going to consider placing advertisements on my website.

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