Peer Reviews,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

Peer Review #2: Remy June

I’ll be reviewing Remy’s website, Remy June. This peer review is supposed to focus on social media and the site’s online growth since the first peer review.

Remy’s Social Media…

Remy’s use of Instagram is perfect for the style of blog she has, travel. Remy has used her Instagram for many years to showcase her many travels and adventures.

Her Instagram feed makes for a great widget on the right side of her website.

All the work she has done for years will pay off, as her Instagram already has major travel influencer vibes. Instagram is definitely the most relevant platform for Remy as writing about travel, lends itself to images of these places you can travel to. Remy does not link to her website on her Instagram though. She has over 1,000 followers so why not encourage them to read her site through having her Instagram bio link be the web address for her blog. Her posts do not coordinate with her blog posts when a new blog post goes live why not shout it out in the Instagram caption of an appropriate photo.

Remy also links on her blog to her Twitter account. Her Twitter is less consistent and less appropriate than her Instagram. Her Twitter appears to be mostly re-tweets rather and she does not link back to her website in any tweets. This makes sense as Instagram appears to be her preferred platform and is more appropriate for the style of her site anyways.

Pinterest is the final social media, Remy links to on her website. She has the least number of followers on this site, but the format does lend itself to her travel blog.  

Remy’s Online Growth…

I gave Remy’s first peer review from Helena a quick read and Helena gave Remy some great feedback. Remy still has some gaps in her actual site design.

The banner at the top of her site feels out of place, it does not scream travel blog to me. I love the images with her main offerings on them, but I was disappointed that when I clicked on them, I was not automatically brought to a feed of posts.

Remy forces the reader to click yet again to get to specific content and in some cases, people may because of this.

It was even more disappointing when I followed Remy’s instructions to click here to read more on her Behind the Scenes page and was met with “no posts found.”

Helena mentioned that this was empty in the last peer review as well. I cannot stress how important it is not to have empty pages or categories. If Remy plans to do some posts in Behind the Scenes at some point, there is nothing wrong with setting up the category for the future but keep it private until it is ready to launch with posts.

I do really think though that Remy has picked a great theme that matches book her Instagram aesthetic and lends itself nicely to a travel blog. Remy’s pictures are beautiful and do not take a long time to load which are both essential to this style of blog.

I am excited to see where Remy’s blog goes, I will definitely be checking back to see what place she discusses next.

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