ARC Reviews,  Reviews

Skye Warren and Amelia Wilde’s The Crash ARC Review

Thank you to Skye Warren, Amelia Wilde and the team at Dangerous Press for the advance reader copy of The Crash, the prequel novella to Force of Nature.

Skye and Amelia working together, what more could we ask for! All this novella did is make me want the novel more!

I am a member of the Dangerous Press review team, but I stand by my reviews remaining honest and true.

Carter Morelli works alone, but his orders are clear. Pilot the small aircraft carrying the renowned photographer to a remote island.

June Porter wants to stay on solid land. She doesn’t want to fly, but it’s the only way to get to the research facility. Then her worst fears come true.

A plane malfunction. A swift fall from the sky. And a heart-stopping crash.

An emergency landing leaves them stranded.

Then a shadow moves through the trees. They aren’t alone in the jungle.

Check out my more detailed thoughts below…

  • Characters: We are finally in Carter Morelli’s head and I could not be happier about it. He has always been very mysterious and I love that now we are finally getting some answers. He’s protective, adventurous, caring and might be a modern-day James Bond. He is masquerading as a biology professor, but he is not faking his love for all things Rhizomes. He is nerdy and I kinda love it. June Porter is our heroine, she is a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer. We meet her a bit on edge about flying, and I already love that she is quite vulnerable and relatable.
  • Setting: They survive a crash landing on an island, with no signal and sandy beaches. The setting is as mysterious as the men, both Carter himself and whoever shot down this plane.
  • Pacing: This first part of the story flew by and all I want is to know more about Carter, June, whoever is out in the wilderness of the island and whoever shot down the plane.
  • Romance: In just a few chapters these characters are already pushing each other. They have such great chemistry and share an electric first kiss. I am excited to see how this relationship develops as well as who will be the third member of the teased ménage?

The Crash receives four out of five stars.

You can pick up the story below…

Amazon | Amazon INTL | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play

Thank you again to Skye, Amelia and their team for the review opportunity. Thank you for reading and supporting my blog!

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