ARC Reviews,  Reviews

Emma Scott’s Between Hello and Goodbye ARC Review

Thank you to Emma Scott and her team for the advance reader copy of Between Hello and Goodbye.

Damn Emma gonna make me cry again! This story is a must-read for those who love an emotional love story.

I am a member of Emma Scott’s review team, but I stand by my reviews remaining honest and true.

She’s a city girl in Seattle. He’s a firefighter in a rainforest. This is never going to work…

Faith Benson isn’t your emergency contact, she’s the party-girl friend you call for a good time. The gal-pal who loves mimosas at brunch and martinis at Happy Hour. But her carefree lifestyle threatens her job at a top Seattle ad agency. There’s no one better at landing big accounts (when she shows up) but her boss demands she take a leave of absence to get her head on straight.

Faith heads to the remote Hawaiian island of Kauai, far away from the vices that get her in trouble. But a twisted ankle on Day One requires rescuing by a man who is vice personified—a gorgeous firefighter who awakens feelings in her heart she never knew existed.

Asher Mackey doesn’t get involved with beautiful tourists beyond taking them to bed and then watching them leave his tiny island. He’s devoted his life to the safety and care of everyone around him…except himself. Until he meets Faith Benson, the city girl whose vibrant, inner beauty shines a light on the dark corners of his life, showing him how safe—but empty—it truly is.

Despite their best efforts to keep their distance, Faith and Asher fall hard and fast, but there’s an ocean between them. Both are building their lives on opposite sides of the Pacific while their feelings for each other grow more profound and undeniable by the day.

Something has to give.

When Asher receives devastating news, he and Faith have to decide once and for all to entrust their hearts fully to the other or return to their safe—but separate—worlds. Because neither can endure much longer, living somewhere between hello and goodbye.

Between Hello and Goodbye is a contemporary romance about love, loss, and experiencing life in all its facets. It deals with sensitive topics that may be triggering for some readers.

Check out my more detailed thoughts below…

  • Characters: Our characters are Faith and Asher. Faith is a scatterbrained yet brilliant advertiser from Seattle while Asher is a firefighter on Kauai. If you are a big reader of Emma Scott, you will recognize Faith as Silas’ fake fiancée in Someday, Someday. I admired her so much. She wanted to better herself and decided to take action to do so. She kept learning and growing throughout the novel. Asher moved to Kauai four years ago to be with his brother, sister-in-law and young nephew. Ash is the definition of a romantic hero with a tragic past, the story opens with those traumatic moments. It was remarkable to read his struggle and see how he navigated how it affected his relationship with Faith. The other characters that really shined were Asher’s family and I loved the important roles they played in the story.
  • Setting: What more can I say about the setting. Emma whisks us away to Hawaii, specifically the small island of Kauai. I am aware of how much Hawaii means to Emma and her family, it is an honour to get a look into how she sees this island oasis. Kauai as a small island acts just like a small town, everyone knows each other and the gossip runs rampant. Always a fun element in a romance novel.
  • Pacing: This story is told over a bit of time. We get Faith’s first weeks in Kauai and then the back and forth of the months of long-distance, these two must bear. A constant in this story is the tears. I did not have a dry eye while reading this story. Even once I thought Emma had given us a break from the heartache, she hit us with more tragedy and a really good cry ensued.
  • Romance: From the moment Asher and Faith met they struggled not to let the sexual tension bubble over. Once they did stumble into bed together they were incredibly hot. Emma did such a good job writing about the enormity of this love, and all love for that matter. How love can heal, but can also hurt. How love is rewarding but also demands sacrifices. It just goes to show, that Emma Scott just knows how to write a heartbreakingly beautiful love story.

Between Hello and Goodbye receives five out of five stars.

You can pick up the story here.

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Thank you again to Emma and her team for the review opportunity. Thank you for reading and supporting my blog!

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