Process Posts,  Pub 101

Week 8 Process Post: How Other People’s Work Benefits My Blog

Through discussion both in lecture and tutorial surrounding copyright and attribution, it got me thinking about just how much other people’s work benefits my blog.

I have had people compliment me on my widgets and sidebars believe that I have some vast knowledge of code and have done them myself. In reality, most of my fanciest widgets were made on Goodreads. Goodreads actually has a page that builds widgets for your blogs and lets you customize them to your heart’s content.

The other big contribution to my blog is all the banner and promotion graphics I get sent from the PR companies I work for. Someone at that PR company works hard to make the teasers and banners. I would love to attribute the work more, but I have no idea who these people who create these works are. I make sure to always thank the PR company for providing me with the book, but I never mention all the graphics they send me too. These companies push you to post these graphics everywhere, your blog, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook but are never concerned about attribution.

So thank you to every person at InkSlinger PR and Social Butterfly PR that tireless slaves over the wonderful banners, promos, and teasers I receive. Your work helps my work, which in turn helps the author who at the end of the day is someone we both want to help in the way we can.

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