ARC Reviews,  Reviews

Devney Perry’s Sable Peak ARC Review

Thank you to Devney Perry and her team for the advance reader copy of Sable Peak, the final book in The Edens series.

It is bittersweet to see The Edens come to an end. I have been such a fan of Devney’s for a long time, and this series just raised the bar. Indigo Ridge remains not just one of my favourite Devney Perry books but one of my favourite romance novels I have ever read. This was a perfect send-off to the world and the family that we love along with a beautiful story for characters I have been excited to see depicted for a while.

I am a Devney Perry review team member, but I remain honest and genuine in my reviews.

Vera Gallagher is chasing constant. For four years, her life was anything but normal. And the years before that she refuses to even remember. Dwelling on the past only hurts. Life is fragile, a lesson her mother taught her well. She’s determined not to waste a moment of her newfound freedom.

Maybe some would consider her crush on Mateo Eden wasted time. Maybe some would call her a fool for loving a man who hasn’t once dropped a crumb of interest her way. Still, to Vera, it’s Mateo or nothing.

He’s handsome. Charming. Witty. And he loves his family the way Vera loves—with her whole heart.

Maybe he’ll never notice her. Maybe she’s too damaged, too broken, to find that normal life she craves. Maybe her secrets will always keep them apart. But Vera will love him anyway. Whether Mateo realizes it or not.

An unrequited love, small town romance.

Check out my more detailed thoughts below…

  • Characters: Matteo and Vera are the main characters of Sable Peak. From the minute I finished Crimson River I wanted Vera’s story, even more than I wanted Matteo’s. Devney is so good at building these heroines who have gone through tremendous loss, trauma, and adversity and they respond in ways that feel so human. Of course, Vera has moments of what feels like immaturity or she will close herself off, she’s been closed off from the wider world for so long. I loved her personal journey in this story. Matteo is hard not to love, this final Eden sibling has been someone I have been excited to read about since the early books. He’s a single dad and it was so heartwarming to see him grow from the hotheaded side character Matteo, into the father figure leading man. This would not be the last instalment without lots of character cameos, I am so happy that Deveny did so many family dinners and that we got insights not just into our favourite characters, but all their new little kids. Special shout-out to Anne and Harrison, the original Eden love story who are some of the best parents I’ve ever seen in romance, if you have not read the bonus epilogue it is a must!
  • Setting: Quincy, Montana how I will miss you! This town with all of its different Edens in it, and its iconic settings from the Edens’ ranch to the Eloise Inn to Eden Coffee. This book similar to the last one also showcased the majesty of Montana’s landscape, and the book titles have all been odes to that as well what a wonderful touch. All of Devney’s books for the most part are set in Montana, but these feel like the biggest love letter to her homestate.
  • Pacing: This book had some very interesting pacing as it tells a two-year story. I get why Devney decided to put all this time into Vera’s unrequited crush and Matteo’s time as a single dad. I also get that if she wrote more of the early parts of this book then it would have gotten even longer, maybe even way too long. It would have been interesting to read that stuff, but it was not make or break for me. I love the story we did get but be warned if you are not a fan of huge gaps and flash-forwarding in time.
  • Romance: This romance had a really interesting structure, as for a good chunk of the book it is Vera who is holding this crush on Matteo. Her confronting him about it was a scene that had me rooting for her! Once they began to spend more time together we saw her grow to love baby Alaina which is always the best part of a single parent story. This book is very slow burn vibes, as glances and winks turn into touches and countless hours spent together. I loved this build-up and it all felt paced so perfectly. Plus of course, the steamy scenes are hot, Devney has always done a wonderful job writing these. What a lovely send-off to all the Edens couples!

Sable Peak receives five out of five stars.

You can pick up the story here.

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Thank you again to Devney and her team for the review opportunity. Thank you for reading and supporting my blog!

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