Process Posts,  Pub 201,  SFU Publishing Minor

Process Post Week 5: A New Key Partner In and An Old One Out (Almost)

I am excited to have a new key partner added to my arsenal this week.

I am now signed up with Foreword PR and Marketing. This PR company was brought to my attention through signing up to be apart of the launch for Fiona Coles’ new release this spring. I am excited to be working with another PR company, in order to gain even more opportunities for review.

Now in terms of the partner, I may lose… Amazon Associates. I have ninety days officially to generate sales from my affiliate links. According to my Amazon Associates page, my links are being clicked on, what is not happening is the purchasing. Naturally, Amazon will revoke my affiliate link privileges if I am unable to generate sales for them.

I am not distraught over the threat of losing my affiliate links. I tried out affiliate links as a means of monetization for my blog, that was not banner advertisements. I gain value for the ARCs I receive anyways, I never intended to profit monetarily off of book blogging.

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