ARC Reviews,  Reviews

Melanie Harlow’s Undeniable ARC Review

I want to thank Melanie Harlow and SocialButterflyPR for the advance review copy of Undeniable.

Check out the Goodreads synopsis below…

“When we were eleven, Oliver Ford Pemberton dared me to jump off a barn roof. He said you couldn’t break a leg from a 12-foot-jump.

He lied.

(You can also break a collarbone, which served him right as far as I was concerned.)

I wish I could say it was the last dare I ever took from him, the last bet I ever made with him, the last time I ever trusted Oliver Ford Pemberton.

But it wasn’t.

Because he had the nerve to grow up gorgeous, charming, and sexy. And as we got older, the dares only got dirtier—and the betting stakes higher—until finally, he left me in pieces. I swore I’d never talk to him again.

But twenty years after I took that flying leap, he’s back in my life, daring me to risk everything for him: my job, my self-worth, and my heart.

How many chances does love deserve?”

Here are my more detailed thoughts…

  • Characters: Chloe and Oliver are the main characters of this story. Both are strong-willed, bordering on stubborn. They both work their but off at what they do. Oliver at his own business and Chloe at her family’s business that she hopes to inherit.
  • Setting: Cloverleigh Farm is not the main setting really as Chloe and Oliver go off on a trip together and then to where he is from. Cloverleigh was a much more prominent setting in the first book of this series, about Chloe’s sister Frannie (which I think is the better book btw).
  • Romance: Who doesn’t love when two people who should be together getting their second chance at love? I loved the investment of their families. It was also a great choice on Melanie’s part to have Then and Now chapters so we could understand Chloe and Oliver’s history as a way to both understand why they should be together and why it did not work out the first time.

If I haven’t convinced you yet, check out this excerpt…

“Fueled by pent-up lust and scotch, we stumbled into Oliver’s room and tore at each other’s clothes. It was hot and rough and a little bit violent, as if we were furious we hadn’t been able to keep our hands to ourselves and wanted to take it out on one another’s bodies. We pushed and pulled and growled and grasped. We called each other names and cursed viciously. We knocked over a lamp and ripped Oliver’s shirt.

When we finally exploded together, Oliver had me up against the door, and if our yelling didn’t wake the entire floor, then the pounding must have. I’d have bruises for days.

Afterward, we collapsed on the bed, naked and sweaty and exhausted.

“Oh my God,” I said. “I can’t believe we did that.”

“I know. Me either.”

“I think I pulled a muscle.”

“I think you bit me. Am I bleeding?”

I laughed. “No, but I hope you’re not seeing anyone. If you are, she’s going to wonder about all those scratches on your back.”

“I’m not seeing anyone.” He paused. “Are you?”


Neither of us moved for several minutes. When I caught myself falling asleep, I sat up. “I should go.”

“Why? Just stay here.”

I looked down at him. “You want me to stay?”

“Yeah.” He opened his eyes. In the low light, they almost looked black instead of blue. “Spend the night with me.”

I waited for it—the dirty joke, the excuse, the subtle dig—the reason he’d toss out for asking me to stay. It couldn’t just be that he wanted me here.

But he didn’t say anything more. He just reached out and covered my hand with his.

I looked at our hands for a moment, and a thousand memories came rushing back. Some good, some bad, but all us. I felt close to him, and I didn’t want to leave. “Okay. I’ll stay.”

“Good.” He took off his watch and put it on the nightstand.”

Undeniable receives four out of five stars.

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Thank you to Melanie Harlow and SocialButterflyPR for the review opportunity. Thank you for reading this review.

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