Process Posts,  Pub 201

Process Post Week 2: Revelations from my Business Canvas

This week sitting down and working on my business canvas revealed to me how much I rely on my “key partners” to help me blog each week.

I could not do what I do without the PR companies that I work with, InkSlingerPR and SocialButterflyPR. Both companies provide me with the opportunities to review and reveal on my blog. Through sending out newsletters with signups on almost a daily basis I never miss an opportunity. These companies provide me with graphics and teasers that elevate each blog post and make my blog more eye-catching.

Naturally the authors themselves are key partners as well. In some cases such as with Nicole Williams, I am on her official ARC review team. So I work directly with her with each of her releases. An author like Helena Hunting works with so many publishers that she has a blogger newsletter to streamline signing up for ARC and reveal opportunities.

At the end of last year, I decided to try having affiliate links with Amazon. Amazon is a key partner for all of us in the NA book world, as the majority of sales for the books I am promoting occur on Amazon. Naturally, Amazon then looks like a very important partner that I will keep persuing opportunities with this year.

A key partner I take for granted is Goodreads. Goodreads was able to help me create most of the widgets on my blog’s homepage. These widgets are a facet of my blog that I receive compliments about, all the time. People always assume I built them myself, but in reality I know nothing about code. Goodreads provided me with code and I am eternally grateful for it. I also use Goodreads as a database to find the cover and synopsis that I need for a review.

Without the support of my “key partners” I would not be able to blog about what I love. I am grateful that with the support and resources I am provided from InkSlingerPR, SocialButterflyPR, authors, Amazon Associates, and Goodreads that I am able to blog every week and hopefully decrease the stigma around NA books one post at a time.

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